Basic Commands

Ethos operates entirely via the command line. The following commands allow you to control playback and adjust settings directly from your terminal.

1. /play <track name>

Initiates a search for the specified track and starts playback.

Usage Example:

/play never gonna give you up

Upon issuing this command, Ethos will display a list of matching tracks. Simply enter the corresponding track number to begin playback.

2. /pause

Pauses the current playback.

Usage Example:


Use this command to temporarily halt playback. Resume the track later using the /resume command.

3. /resume

Resumes a paused track.

Usage Example:


Restarts playback from the point where the track was paused.

4. /volume <0-100>

Adjusts the playback volume.

Usage Example:

/volume 75

Specify a value between 0 (mute) and 100 (maximum volume) to control the audio output.

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